Sunday, October 31, 2010

ブログプロジェクトのEvaluation Criteria

Based on our discussion in class, here is a summary of 'what makes a good blog'.

1. Language
Coherent, Correct or at least understandable, Concise, Good mix of Japanese and English, Not too many grammatical mistakes, The adequate amount of text, Not to be too long or too short

2. Content
Variety of topics, Unique, Interesting, Funny, Entertaining, Semi Japanese related, Something that people do not know about Japan, Things outside the textbook, Beyond what we have learned in class,
Pictures, video clips, Music, Not too many random photos, Put name on blog

3. Layout
Attractive, Good font size and color, Appealing background, Not distractive, Simple, Easy to read, Break up texts with pictures, Not jarring, Not the main attraction of blog

4. Communication
Invoke many comments, receive effective/interesting feedback, Initiate further conversation, Ask questions, Respond to questions, try to continue conversation

5. Consideration
Easy to read, not too random, English translation for unfamiliar words, The language should not be over anyone's heads, Not extremely difficult, Should be related to common interests for readers

6. Frequency
As often as possible (once a week- two weeks), once a week or more if something interesting happens, Posting on your own and not just for assignments, Not the biggest factor

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Hope for Japan

みなさん、2011 年の春学期(がっき)も明日でおわりますね。日本語のべんきょうはどうでしたか? たいへんだったと思いますが、みんなとてもがんばりましたね。1年生の学生は、秋学期よりずっと上手になりました。今は、レストランで何かちゅうもんしたり、デパートで買いものをしたり、日本語...