Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ブログのしゅくだい(Blog HW) ... due 8/27(F)

Please complete the following 1-4 by Friday, 8/27.

1. About the Blog Project

First, start by reading the post titled “blog project”, which illustrates the purpose of this project. Scroll all the way down and you will see the entry titled “blog project”.

2. The Development of the Blog
On this page, if you scroll down you will see the post titled: “How to Open a Blog Account.” Please read this and develop your blog. Once you have started your blog please send the blog’s URL address to the instructor. For those who do not want to use their real names, it is also fine to use a pseudonym.

3. Post in English (or your native language)
Please write in English (or your native language) about why you chose to study Japanese, also may include what you are excited about.

4. Write sentences in Japanese (optional)
In hiragana, please write some sentences (You can use expressions from Chapter 1). For those who do not know how to type in Japanese, please click on the “Japaanese and Computer” link on the left-hand side of this page.

*If the hiragana appears too small on the page and is difficult to read, Apple users press the “Apple/command” key and the “+ “key together, (PC users press the “Control” key instead of the “Apple/command” key) and the characters will get larger.

You can click students' links at 'Last Year's Blog' on the right-hand side to see how their blogs look like.

1 comment:

  1. アーチストは宇多田ヒカルとm-floと倖田來未が好きです。


Hope for Japan

みなさん、2011 年の春学期(がっき)も明日でおわりますね。日本語のべんきょうはどうでしたか? たいへんだったと思いますが、みんなとてもがんばりましたね。1年生の学生は、秋学期よりずっと上手になりました。今は、レストランで何かちゅうもんしたり、デパートで買いものをしたり、日本語...